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National Urban Development Policy

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Social cohesion

We all contribute to the diversity and social cohesion in our cities. How do we organise fair opportunities and support for those in need in our cities? How do we take responsibility for one another and avoid disadvantage? How do we strengthen our community and enable everyone to participate equally?

Together for a better togetherness

Inclusion, social participation and equal opportunities: These topics represent a central field of action for urban development policy. It is committed to social cohesion, solidarity and responsibility for the community in a culturally diverse and mutually respectful society.
On the one hand, this affects people with different resources, situations and needs for help. In the urban social space, multiple and interwoven problems are concentrated - such as unemployment, low levels of education, poverty, health problems or low social and political participation. Integrated strategies are therefore essential.
On the other hand, this affects structural problems as well as bad environmental conditions, poor infrastructure, overwhelmed neighbourhoods and educational institutions in disadvantaged urban areas. Municipal investments in infrastructure, open space or schools are fruitful if they are embedded in an integrated development strategy that arises from working together with the actors in the neighbourhoods.

From the neighbourhoods: New strategies for the social city

Integrated strategies initially formulate goals and approaches for specific target groups with special support needs, such as children, adolescents or senior citizens. Based on socio-spatial monitoring, overlaps of special needs among the target groups are examined, and offers of help and other disadvantages are identified. Considering the cross-cutting issues of inclusion, equal opportunities and health, space- and target group-related approaches based on the needs are then formulated. A particular focus is placed on deprived neighbourhoods.
Close continuous cooperation in cross-thematic and district-related networks is essential for the entire process - from observation to implementation. Quarter management plays an important role, especially in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, because they mediate between civil society structures and those involved in aid systems. The implementation of this mediation task is a great challenge due to the large number of actors and the complexity of the tasks. The National Urban Development Policy therefore organises a large number of special events within the framework of urban development funding: They serve the exchange and are intended to help promote new approaches and improve funding strategies.